Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BB-3 Effect ..

BB-3 Effect !
In Orissa, Kesinga records 280 mms and Titalgarh 277 mms in 24 hrs...what an effect of BB-3 ! 
Titalgarh's 277 mms in 24 hrs is the highest EVER for this station for any month.Prevoius was 266 mms in Aug 1967.
The days high was 25c, 17c BELOW NORMAL and low 14.5c, 13c BELOW NORMAL !!14.5c is the lowest ever for May, previous was 19.8c in 1979...
Normal avg rain for May is 33 mms !!

Bhavanipatna in Orissa saw 259 mms... 
Posted by Rajesh Kapadia in Vagaries of Weather

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